Lively Social Campaigns

The Challenge

How to create ads that drive engagement on something that most people would prefer not to think about? Health care, and HSAs in particular, were not on the forefront of everyone’s mind. It could be said that most people find health care confusing, expensive, and out-of-mind unless necessary.

And then 2020 happened. And things changed rapidly.

My Role

Create a huge number of ads used for paid and free social, create multiple versions of each ad so that multiple campaigns can be tested against each other on CAC, impressions, and interactions, and create them to advertise and educate users on webinars, long and short-form content, milestones, and more.


Utilizing Lively’s base color schemes, our marketing team ran multiple campaigns across Google, Linkedin, Facebook, and Instagram, monitoring metrics to gain insights on what captured eyeballs and what would motivate them to click through. WE gained significant data on what worked with different viewers and moved forward: educating people on the triple tax advantages of HSAs and FSAs in the middle of a global pandemic.

Lively’s superior offering in the HSA space moved into the upper tier of HSA providers within 4 years of its founding. With our highly effective social campaigns leading the way, Lively engaged users on both a B2B and B2C level, more than quadrupling its user base and reaching over $500 Million in assets under control during my tenure.